Our Beginning
The Stonegate Cumberland Presbyterian Church began as the Edmond New Church Development with the first worship service held on Sunday, November 3, 1991, at the Haskell Elementary School 1701 NW 150th Street Rev. Kevin L. Wood the first pastor said: “Discover Stonegate Church along with us. We believe ‘people need the Lord.’ Join with us and be a part of our exciting new fellowship!” This invitation is still alive and true. Sixty eight people were present for the first service, including people from the local community, some from Red River Presbytery, and members of St. Mark (now Eastlake) Cumberland Presbyterian Church, our sister congregation in South Oklahoma City.
A Task Force from Red River Presbytery, including Donna Heflin, Jerry Smyrl, Wes Rucker, Buddy Baltimore, Dale Nease, and Jack Barker, representative of the Denominational Board of Missions in Memphis, Tennessee, had made preparations in September, 1991, for the development of Stonegate Church, and the purchase of seven acres of land located at 17101 North Western Avenue.
Since the beginning, the church claimed the theme, "People Need The Lord." The name Stonegate came as a suggestion by a member of the Presbyterial Task Force, Dale Nease. He observed the two stone pillars at the northeast end of the property and remarked, "How about Stonegate Church? That sounds like a good, solid name for a church."
After relatively slow growth in the first years of its existence, in March, 1993, the congregation moved to a new temporary meeting place known as The Just Off Broadway School of Dance, for Sunday School and worship services. The place for a new building was located on 15th Street in Edmond. They continued to meet there for three years. Sunday, March 27, 1994, the Edmond New Church Development was officially received by Red River Presbytery as an organized church. Fifty two charter members were present and the first five elders were ordained and installed. Early in 1995, the elders, pastor and congregation began planning for the first unit of the three-phase building plan. Financing was secured from the denominational Board of Finance, and architects and a building contractor were hired. Soon after groundbreaking in January of 1995, the 6000 square foot facility began to take shape.
The congregation's first Sunday to worship in the new building was Palm Sunday, March 31, 1996. There were one-hundred-thirty-five people present. April 27, 1996, The Red River Presbytery, together with the congregation, dedicated the new building to God's service in the Edmond-North Oklahoma City Community.
Through an anonymous donor, two beautiful stained glass windows were added to the sanctuary in late 1999. Also in 1999, the two stone pillars at the northeast of the property, were taken down in order to be used as part of a new permanent sign.
This is historical scan of first Stonegate Church Bulletin
of November 3, 1991.